Post-operative Instructions
Post-operative Instructions
Keep the ears dry until specialist review, or at least three weeks
Use eardrops, if prescribed, for five days
Occasional blood-stained discharge will be noticed
Return to school / nursery next day
Calpol as required
Post-operative Medication
Ciprofloxacin or ofloxacin drops (eardrops or eydrops for the ears): three drops twice a day for five days
How to insert eardrops (video)
Post-operative Instructions
Post-op temperature common
Blocked nose for ten days
Smelly nasal discharge likely
Calpol / Nurofen for three days, then as required
Back to school / nursery after three days
Otrovine nose-drops for five days
Post-operative Medication
Regular Paracetamol and Ibruprofen for three days (or longer if required)
Paracetamol and Ibruprofen administration schedule:
06:00 Paracetamol + Ibruprofen
10:00 Paracetamol
12:00 Ibruprofen
16:00 Paracetamol
20:00 Paracetamol + Ibruprofen
Otrivine nosedrops (half a dripper in each nostril twice daily)
Post operative antibiotics in some cases, where infection present at surgery
Post-operative Instructions
Give painkillers regularly
Eat and drink as normal if possible, otherwise eat food that patient will enjoy/eat
Encourage drinking if struggling to eat
Snoring and blocked nose can persist for ten days
Observe for bleeding, expect small amounts but if more than a tablespoon, go to A&E
It is expected to have a high temperature for up to 24 hours in the week after surgery. If more than 24 hours, seek advice
You will notice a bad breath and smelly nasal discharge (this is normal)
You will notice white debris where tonsils were removed (this is normal
Post-operative Medication
Regular Paracetamol and Ibruprofen for seven days (or longer if required)
Paracetamol and Ibruprofen administration schedule:
06:00 Paracetamol + Ibruprofen
10:00 Paracetamol
12:00 Ibruprofen
16:00 Paracetamol
20:00 Paracetamol + Ibruprofen
Try and time eating 10-20 minutes after administering painkillers
Otrivine nosedrops (half a dripper in each nostril twice daily)
Post operative antibiotics in some cases, where infection present at surgery
If refusing oral medication, suppositories can be used